Monday, October 22, 2007

Cooper is FINALLY crawling!

Hurray!!! Cooper finally did it! No more scooting backwards on his belly, no more sitting then reaching on belly then sitting again in order to get across the room! He finally crawled! Well, he crawled 3 other times, but it didn't really get him anywhere. Then today, I set him down in front of the t.v. (i know, i know..I shouldn't put him in front of the t.v.) I was on the computer trying to get tickets to a Rockies World Series game...its a gift to my dad from all his kids. Anyways, so I needed to buy some time. Well, I hear Kyleigh calling Cooper, so I turn around and Cooper had crawled across the family room, down the hall and into the guest bedroom! Well, I am so glad he finally did it, but now I have to go get baby gates and truly baby proof the house. I will try to get it on camera, but I don't have any memory space left at the moment. He is so cute, and you can tell he is so happy to be able to get to what he wants to. I think it is pretty funny that the first time he really crawled, he crawled across the house!
I guess all he needed was a little more time with Jimmy to learn how. We were with family all weekend, and so he got tired of not being able to get to things. Jimmy got around and got to toys faster than Cooper, so I guess it was all the motivation that Cooper needed!


2-Fold said...

Congtatulations Cooper. Way to go buddy.

Beau, Amanda, Gracie, and Evie said...

YEAH!! HOORAY! Congrats to Cooper and to you!!

Jamie said...

Hooray for Cooper! He is going to be entering a whole new world now. Gone are the days when you can just put them on a blanket with'll have your work cut out for you now! :D