Sunday, February 8, 2009


Ok, I have been a slacker! I know I know! But the more everyone said 'I keep checking your blog...when are you going to update?' The more stubborn and indifferent I became. I know its a horrible attitude :) But, thats just me. I am always telling Brandon; the more often you tell/ask me to do something, the less likely I am to do it. I know its a horrible quality to have; but I don't care. Ok, maybe I care a little bit, but not enough to change...
Then, I was talking to my friend about blogging, and explaining my indifference and frustration. What she said motivated me to continue on. She said 'Who cares what anyone else says. Your blog is for you and no one else. If you want to blog, then blog. But you only need to worry about how you feel about it. Its for you!' However, I do like that it can keep us all in touch and updated on whats going on with eachother, no matter where we are....So, now I am doing it for me because I want to. And I do hope it helps give everyone near and far a small glimps into our lives...

So, now that its been since I have posted. I am just going to start with the new year, I may go back and add things from last year, but just for my own record...
So, here's to a fresh start! And to doing it for me, no guilt included :)

1 comment:

2-Fold said...

I'm sorry for saying that, but Thanks for posting, you were missed.